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Car Seats - Evenflo Sonus *TANGIBLE-REQUIRES Car Seat Eligibility Form*

Convertible with 50 lb FF weight limit. Does not come with head/body pillow.
Price: $0.00
Convertible with 50 lb FF weight limit.
* 5-40 lbs rear facing
* 22-50 lbs forward facing

Order an even number, as seats are boxed 2 per box. Order the number of seats (10 means 10 seats, not 10 boxes of 2 for 20 seats).
Body pillows are not included. You may contact to order body pillows for this seat for $5/each.

Maximum quantity order of seats is 24. Order an even number, as they are boxed 2 per box. Order the number of seats (10 means 10 seats, not 10 boxes of 2 for 20 seats).