
CPS Instructors: New CPST Curriculum materials available


A preliminary version of the new CPST Curriculum has been made available online for certified Child Passenger Safety Technician Instructors (CPSTI).  The new materials can be found in the Private Instructor section of CPST Instructor Safe Kids profiles or by loggin in through the Instructor section found at www.cpsboard.org .


If you work with a Certified Child Passenger Safety Instructor (CPSTI) they should be familiar with their online Safe Kids profile.  When they log in they need to go to the link “Instructor Downloads” and in that link they can view all of the “2014” files.  Please note that this is not the final copy of the new CPST certification curriculum.  Due to circumstances beyond our control (currently the weather nationally) the printing and shipping of this new curriculum has been delayed.  Instructors will receive hard copy materials in the mail as soon as possible.  However, in an effort to be proactive and assist Instructors in preparation for certification courses with the new curriculum starting March 1, 2014, we are providing this preliminary material so that Instructors can begin course preparations.   


A webinar for Instructors will be offered on Jan. 21 at 2pm EST to provide an opportunity for Instructors to receive guidance regarding the new curriculum from the National Child Passenger Safety Board, NHTSA and Safe Kids.  Please encourage the Instructors you work with to register and participate.  Spaces are limited so Instructors are encouraged to follow registration instructions in the December issue of the CPS Express newsletter, or by following instructions in the online curriculum updates available on www.cpsboard.org.

More information can also be found at http://cpsboard.org/tech-instructor-curriculum/

A curriculum review meeting is scheduled at the following locations:

2/11/14: Boca Raton