CPS board - Tech Update and CEU Opp


The CPS board website is under revision and a new site should be up the middle of February. The original website has been down since the first of January and should be back up next week until the new site is ready to roll out.

The hosting of the cpsboard.org website on the UNC Highway Safety Research Center's server is no longer being supported by the National Safety Council through their Cooperative Agreement with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Until such time that cpsboard.org is transferred to another server, Techs can use the following links to:

Download the pdf version of the Fall 2012 Tech Update

Download the CPS CEU quiz for the Fall 2012 Tech Update

For further information or assistance, contact the National Safety Council:

Tess Benham
Phone: 630-775-2159
Email: tess.benham@nsc.org


Kimberly Youngblood
Phone: 630-775-2139
Email: Kimberly.Youngblood@nsc.org