Florida Geographic Locations
The Florida OPRC has divided the state into geographic locations according to the Florida Department of Transportation's Districts. Please see the table below to find your county and the area that county is in.
County |
Area |
Alachua | Northeast |
Baker | Northeast |
Bay | Northwest |
Bradford | Northeast |
Brevard | Central |
Broward | Southeast |
Calhoun | Northwest |
Charlotte | Southwest |
Citrus | West Central |
Clay | Northeast |
Collier | Southwest |
Columbia | Northeast |
DeSoto | Southwest |
Dixie | Northeast |
Duval | Northeast |
Escambia | Northwest |
Flagler | Central |
Franklin | Northwest |
Gadsden | Northwest |
Gilchrist | Northeast |
Glades | Southwest |
Gulf | Northwest |
Hamilton | Northeast |
Hardee | Southwest |
Hendry | Southwest |
Hernando | West Central |
Highlands | Southwest |
Hillsborough | West Central |
Holmes | Northwest |
Indian River | Southeast |
Jackson | Northwest |
Jefferson | Northwest |
Lafayette | Northeast |
Lake | Central |
Lee | Southwest |
Leon | Northwest |
Levy | Northeast |
Liberty | Northwest |
Madison | Northeast |
Manatee | Southwest |
Marion | Central |
Martin | Southeast |
Miami-Dade | South |
Monroe | South |
Nassau | Northeast |
Okaloosa | Northwest |
Okeechobee | Southwest |
Orange | Central |
Osceloa | Central |
Palm Beach | Southeast |
Pasco | West Central |
Pinellas | West Central |
Polk | Southwest |
Putnam | Northeast |
Santa Rosa | Northwest |
Sarasota | Southwest |
Seminole | Central |
St. Johns | Northeast |
St. Lucie | Southeast |
Sumter | Central |
Suwannee | Northeast |
Taylor | Northeast |
Union | Northeast |
Volusia | Central |
Wakulla | Northwest |
Walton | Northwest |
Washington | Northwest |