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The Alert Today Florida's Speeding Stop Speeding before it Stops you brochure provides tips for drivers. Safety Doesn’t Happen by Accident. |
Street racing, takeovers, and stunt driving dangers. |
This tip card instructs motorists how to survive a submerged vehicle emergency. |
The Teen Drinking and Marijuana Use Tip Card addresses common health and safety myths related to smoking marijuana or consuming alcohol underage. Also provides ways you can speak up if you find yourself in an unsafe driving situation. |
The Poor Choices Lead You Down the Wrong Road - Las Malas Decisiones Conducen al Camino Equivocado tip card with dangers of texting and driving, seat belt use. Funded by the Florida’s Minority Task Force on Occupant Protection. Spanish only Ideal for ages Adult Spanish version |
The Visionaire: The Super Senser” tip card with NHTSA child passenger safety recommendations for parents. Accompanies the trading card and /or activity booklet series “Guardians of the Roadway Series. Ideal for ages Adult |
Tips for teens to avoid the top 5 teen distractions that result in a collision. |
This tip card provides facts and statistics to encourage road user to exercise caution in the work zone. |
This tip card provides facts and statistics to encourage road user to exercise caution in the work zone. |
This tip card is a reminder to practice random acts of kindness, relating to traffic safety and courtesy, while behind the wheel: remember that everyone is moving to get home safely. |